Karel Schellens


The legacy of Karel Schellens: Heinz Meier/Rahden

The entrepreneur Heinz Meier (†) led a big foundry for road and pipe bedding. Starting in his early youth, he was an enthused pigeon breeder; starting 1991, he became fascinated by the Schellens pigeons.

On December 15th 1991, 100 racing pigeons of Karel Schellens (†) have been sold at auction. The Herbots brothers took care of the transaction. 16 breeding pairs have been held back. They were designated to a Taiwanese buyer (with some exceptions). Heinz Meier had his own ideas on the subject and decidedly bought 8 pairs.

The purchase included ARGENTON, son of FENOMENALE and father to NATIONAAL I. Out of hand, he also acquired a brother of Argenton, siblings of Nationaal I, sister BIBBERKE, the POOT PAIR just to name a few, all from the absolute basis of the master breeder.

The word on the street is that half of Belgium is flying "in kampioenstijl", this includes Sjef Houben, Gommaire Verbruggen, Van Hove-Uytterhoeven, Louis Deleus, Maurits Voets, Van Cauter-Plas, Norbert Peeters, Gebr. Herbots, Jos Thoné and many more. In Germany, this includes Wolfgang Roeper, Hans Hirn, Uschi & Christian Harbeck, Thomas Röder, Hermann Ditges, Ludwig & Ludwig Kölbl, Toni Deigner, Heinz & Erika Meier... Karel Schellens, the cutter and trader of diamonds from Kessel always bought the best there is - the price didn't matter.

He wanted ACE Pigeons - and he got them. Schellens collected the best and at the same time, he reinforced the potential of his basis: the JANSSEN/A.

DE ENGELS with his 15 first prizes was among them, the best of Frans Lesage, the filiation of the JANSSEN Bros., JOSÉ, daughter to GEELOGER-JANSSEN/A., in cooperation with Stan Raeymakers, HOFKENS I and II from the DRIEBANDER of Gust Hofkens and in particular the offspring of the founding pair of Bergmanns Frans Stoces: Grandson of BLIKSEM (Huyskens-Van Riel) x granddaughter of BLAUWE VAN 48 x SCHOON LICHT VAN 51, the founding pair of the JANSSEN Bros. per se, an inexhaustible well up to this day: FENOMENALE out of ´76 was an (incest) grandson of the Stoces' founding pair, NATIONAAL I is a grandson of FENOMENALE and ARGENTON from H. & E. Meier was his son. Grandchildren of ARGENTON live up to this day (in 2017, also among SILVERWINGS). These are 45 years of pigeon breeding with success at the highest level in every generation. Heinz Meier got the picture of how to further develop this precious line successfully - with the best that European pigeon sport has to offer.

Not just with any pigeons, but with the actual aces, with breeding pairs or with direct offspring from the very best, like e.g.: G. & C. Koopman - KLEINE DIRK, GOLDEN LADY -, Dirk van Dijck - KANNIBAAL -, Clement Robben - BONNY&CLYDE -, Hok Vercammen - PANTER, YASMINE -, Marcel Sangers - parents to EAGLE EYE -, Van Hove - Uytterhoeven line Jg. Bange 2 -, Van Loon-Koppel 1 × 2 -, among others. With these pigeons, Heinz & Erika Meier could shine up to the association level - for elder pigeons, youngsters and ACE pigeons.

The era Meier ended with the total auction in 2013. Ever since this time, these pigeons are refining the successful Silverwings loft. The basis was enhanced by unbelievable gen potential. As a breeder, I am happy and proud to be working with such animals.